Dell Inc.

Dell Inc.

Dell Inc. (formerly Dell Computer) is an American multinational computer technology corporation based in Round Rock, Texas, United States, that develops, sells, repairs and supports computers and related products and services. Bearing the name of its founder, Michael Dell, the company is one of the largest technological corporations in the world, employing more than 103,300 people worldwide. Dell is listed at number 44 in theFortune 500 list. It is the third largest PC vendor in the world after HP and Lenovo.[4]

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:10 PM
Subject: Replacement System Offer

Hi Jan,

Please find attached details of the replacement system offer. Can you review the details of this system and confirm that you are happy for us to proceed with this order for you.

I’ve read the blog and the recent posts you have added and your comments are noted.

1.       Below outlines what we are prepared to offer you, which has the same or improved Spec:

·         17.3” Screen
·         Integrated Microphone and Camera
·         4GB Memory (up from 2GB)
·         320GB HDD (7.200 RPM) (up from 120GB)
·         3 Years Pro-Support Warranty.

This is a replacement for the following system - System Service Tag CHVKD3J

We cannot proceed to process this order until you confirm that you are happy with this offer attached, as all Dell machines are built to order. We also need to collect the System (CHVKD3J).

2.       An alternative option is that we will offer you a full refund on this system you currently have once we have the original system collected. Server Tag CHVKD3J.

As you appreciate this has been going on for some time now I’d like to get this resolved as soon as possible. Can you please advise me by email by COB Friday 18th Jan 2013 on which of the above options you would like to take.

If I do not hear back from you I am presuming that you are rejecting both of the above offers and I can take it that you are keeping the original system.

I believe I have been reasonable in dealing with this but I would like your co-operation in closing this off.

Please advise on how you would like to proceed on this one?



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Replacement System Offer


I am undergoing EXTREME dental work this week and next.
I will try to study your offer - however I do not feel well at all.

At any rate - I am not able to return the system I am using until all information - configurations - lost programs - etc. have been completely transferred.

I lost all my web design - graphics design and Office programs last November 2011 when Dell re-installed Windows. I have the registry key numbers - but need to get the discs from the related software companies.

Best Regards,

Electronically Signed,
/Jan Voich/
Jan Voich
Jan Voich & Associates, S.L.
USA/Canada Toll Free - 1-888-606-9222
Paseo de la Habana, 14
28036 MADRID, Spain
Phone: 011 34 - 91 561 90 31

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: Replacement System Offer


You have given me 3 days to decide - of which I have spent one-half of a day (Wed.) dedicated to this change of proposal.

I will be busy all afternoon and will have time on Sunday and Monday probably.

Please let me know the following:

1. Is ProSupport in Spain or may I use any country ? If it is limited to Spain - what is the phone number and do they speak English ?

2. I would like 5 year support which would be 2 more after your offer. I am not able - or willing to go though another time consuming, confusing and frustrating effort like I have written about - to extend warraties.

3. Is there a way to transfer the programs and configurations directly to the new system ? I believe your ProSupport in the US told me this is possible after they had to do the parallel windows install when the system crashed and would not boot. Presently there are two WXP installed and I "borrowed" programs to continue working.

4. I looked closely at the M6700. The access to the ventilators and interior looks much more practical - to avoid dust accumulating. Overall - the system design looks much improved against overheating. I need to check on what I need exactly as far as components - and competing products.

Basically - we use the system
  • to drive our large format printer (Mutoh) to makes many of the products and packaging we sell,
  • to design new products and packaging - mostly Corel then calibrate colors on the RIP,
  • web work (mostly on Dreamweaver - Fireworks and Flash) - including music and videos (I was using Sound Blaster for years) and
  • the usual rest of what people use a computer for.
  • etc. I have to think what else ...
The RIP (Onyx Postershop) for the Mutoh has a dongle (license key) that requires a parallel port. Dell Tech Support in the US tried to advise me to find an adapter - which later was not viable. I have been printing directly from Corel - and have had to re-calibrate all color profiles.
I am sorry not to answer as quickly as you request - however - I do have many other obligations. I think changing systems and staying with Dell is the best choice - - - and do hope all the bad experiences end.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: Replacement System Offer



We never heard from Dell after we answered their top email - with their ULTIMATUMS

A full refund from five years ago !! Imagine this - Dell does not trust - us >>

2.       An alternative option is that we will offer you a full refund on this system you currently have once we have the original system collected. Server Tag CHVKD3J.

By our experience with them - they will not stand up to their word - as seen repeatedly within this site. Why we have to decide on their schedule and deadlines is beyond us. People spend months learning about all the latest components before updating their systems.

We spent a YEAR trying to get Dell España to date our extended warranty to the 12 months we had paid - now Dell was giving us deadlines to send us a system which they think will not give us problems. Why are they in a hurry - - it should be the other way around.

Now we will put up four and more sites and send this one off to the top news sources who may find this story of general interest and - we hope so. We will also send this directly to some other companies who may be interested:

Dell Inc. (DELL), which may announce this week it’s being taken private by a group led by Silver Lake Management LLC, hired Evercore Partners Inc. (EVR) to advise a special committee of the board and to test whether the company could get a better offer, said two people with knowledge of the matter. ...
To contact the reporters on this story: Serena Saitto in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Jeffrey McCracken at

This is not an idea - it is a promise - a duty to our sense of morality. Isn´t the power of the press - freedom of speech - - and Internet exposure wonderful !!


We did receive two more offers from Dell. The last on the 25th of January -

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: Replacement System Offer

Hi Jan,

Please find attached the offer which includes ProSupport warranty for 5 years and the PC Transfer Option.

This will be the final offer so we will not be adding Windows 7 Touch or Bluetooth.

The number I gave you is for ProSupport Spain. The number you found is for Technical Support Spain, not direct to Spain ProSupport queue.

The system will be similar or better than the M90 that you have. As mentioned going from 2GB memory to 4GB memory.

Please reply with acceptance of this offer by COB Thursday 24th January. Once we have acceptance from you we will process the order. Once the replacement system is delivered we will give you a few days to get your data backed up before collection of the M90 system.



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: Replacement System Offer

As I wrote - I am not up-to-date on components. We always had computers put together for us before.
I see you changed Graphics Cards. Is the monitor upgradable in the future ? Do we need this now ?
Can I upgrade to Windows 7 touch ( or W8 touch ) later ? We do not need this - however I would like to know.
I imagine the memory is also upgradable - should we need to.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 3:26 PM
Subject: RE: Replacement System Offer

Hi Jan,

The M6700 has one of the latest and most powerful Intel processors. Please see below the comparison

Please be advised that we will not be making any further changes to this offer. So I would appreciate a decision on this from you today.



From: Jan Voich Designs []
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 7:23 PM
To: Kelly, Gerard
Subject: Re: Replacement System Offer


I am too tired to look at the offer. I will answer by Monday. It looks fine - yet I need to phone ProSupport here and am confused.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 4:34 PM
Subject: RE: Replacement System Offer

Hi Jan,

I haven’t heard back from you yet today. Please be advised that this offer will be only available until COB today. If you are going ahead can you please confirm today otherwise we will be withdrawing this offer.



WOW - we had more ULTIMATUMS. Imagine being a victim and - instead of Dell saying "take all the time you need ... or - let us know if we can help you about your needs - figuring components - etc. ..." - they felt it appropriate to pressure us.

Go figure.

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