December 16, 2012 - Sunday - yes - SUNDAY - we received a phone call at around 7 pm.
The caller was "Gerard from Dell" ( in Ireland ).
We were taken back. Gerard explained that our message had arrived to the highest level in Dell - that he had tried to phone yesterday and no one answered - and what did we want ?
We answered - we want the two months of warranty we paid for and that Dell refuses to respect ... read the blog ... it explains what we want. Gerard said he did not speak Spanish.
We said that it would ALSO be appropriate for Dell to send us a machine that worked properly ... that we were convinced that this Precision M-90 has a defect. It was not normal to have so many Blue Screens of Death ( BSOD ) for overheating - beginning October 2010 - six months after beginning to use the system.
Gerard answered that we were asking for a lot. The conversation lasted 37 minutes. We checked - he had phoned the night before - Saturday at 10 pm.
Top Cover - Dell Precision M90 |
December 17, 2012 - Monday. We put up the scorched - inside images - of the open computer on this site. As you recall - we began using this system April 2010 - 2 1/2 years ago.
Dell Precision - Bottom - emptied of all components |
Gerard phoned again to say they were going to give us a new system and what else did we want. We asked for a sincere letter of apology from the reps who had insulted us for over a years time. He asked us to email their names ( more of our time wasted ) - we answered - they are all on the blog. ALL NINE OF THEM.
We asked Gerard what Dell would like us to do with this blog - we would add this happy ending .. he said - better to take it down.
We told Gerard to contact us Wednesday - we would be out tomorrow all day. We emailed him the names of the nine reps and took the blog down.
December 18, 2012 - Tuesday - At 8 am - we decided to put the blog back up until all was resolved. At 2.10 pm - a "Ricardo from Dell" phoned. We told him it was a bad time and to try tomorrow - 9.30 am.
December 19, 2012 - Wednesday - At 9.31 am. Ricardo from Dell phoned again. We told him that the system was working after the last Monday repair. We had not had time to truly test it.
He said he was calling to change the computer. We told him to please stop the little phone calls Sunday nights from Dell and just email what Dell proposes from now on. He acted surprised about the Sunday phone calls. We politely said GOODBYE and hung up. 1 - 2 minutes.
At 11:36 AM we received an offer for a new system from "Ricardo from Dell". The email ( below ) wanted more of our time - asking to send proof of purchase -- receipt - service tag number photographed - etc. It was amazingly longggggggg.
An hour later we received an offer from "Gerard from Dell" - we did not have time to look at either - especially at this time - before the holidays and with many professional and personal obligations. We took note that both emails require MORE TIME - and felt that this was not a priority.
We did note the following - "Unfortunately we need to collect the faulty system. Seeing the scorch mark’s etc, we need to capture this system for safety reasons."
So Dell now admits that this workstation is faulty. Great advances. It only took 5 million hours of phone calls during over a year - four tech visits - and this blog to achieve what we suspected - the system is never going to function properly.
Dell Precision |
December 20, 2012 - 8.30pm - We received a call from Dell tech support. We were out. They are off at 6.00 pm - so this call was strange.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: Dell Case
We should have confirmation of
the swap booked today. If you need anything further please use me as a single
point of contact.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jan Voich
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: Dell Case
I am backed up on my obligations - just write me what Dell
is proposing - as clearly as possible.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 11:36 AM
Subject: Oferta Dell n° 16071723 Cliente: ES2938586 - JAN VOICH AND
Buenas días Sra.
Soy Ricardo Prieto y estoy en el
departamento de escalaciones ejecutivas, soy el responsable para España, y su
caso ha llegado a mi departamento.
Lamento mucho la experiencia por
la que ha tenido que pasar. En Dell S.A Siempre buscamos mejorar la calidad de
los Productos y Servicios. Para ello, recurrimos a todos los medios razonables
para actuar sobre las causas que puedan interferir en el buen desarrollo de
nuestras operaciones.
Como le he comentado hoy por
teléfono, pienso sustituirle su actual PrecisionM90 por este otro modelo “Pdf
adjunto”, manteniéndonos dentro de la gama
Debera comprobar que los datos de
dicha factura proforma son correctos y que la configuración de la maquina se
ajusta a sus necesidades.
En caso de que todo este correcto,
solo me bastaría su OK por este mismo para que el proceso de sustitución de
Con respecto a su caso, me hubiese
gustado poder hablar con usted por teléfono con el fin de poder recabar un poco
más de información.
Como bien me ha comunicado, su
deseo es mantener una comunicación por email, por mi parte, esto no representa
ningún inconveniente.
Para poder entender tu caso en
particular, me gustaría hacer un recorrido histórico empezando por la compra del
¿Este M90 fue adquirido por usted
directamente a Dell España?
En caso afirmativo, ¿Posee usted
el Nº de Factura?
En caso negativo, ¿Donde adquirió
el M90?
¿Es posible que me adjunte la
factura de compra en el supuesto de que no hubiese adquirido el equipo a Dell
He visto, que se han mezclado dos
Service Tag en su caso, el CHWKD3J y el
¿Es posible que me envíe una foto
de su equipo, justo donde está la etiqueta de servicio (Service Tag y Express
Service code)?
Reciba usted un cordial
Ricardo Prieto
SOS - Social Outreach Services & Executive Escalations
| CSMB Services
33 499755500 / 34 902119569
@RicardoPatDell - @DellAyuda - @DELL_Spain
My work schedule is 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CST Monday to Thursday and Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm CST.
How am I doing? please contact my manager with any
Dell S.A, Siège Social 1 rond point Benjamin Franklin 34000 Montpellier.
Capital 1,782,769 Euros, 351 528 229 RCS Montpellier –APE 4651Z -TVA Intracommunautaire FR 20 351 528 229, SIRET 351 528 229 00088
Vat Number : FR 20351528229 (France) / IT00001709997 (Italy) / ESN0012622G (Spain)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:31 PM
Subject: RE: Dell Case
Hi Jan,
Please find attached the details
of the replacement system. The Precision M90 is now end of life so this is a
similar model, Precision M4700.
Some difference on this
replacement system compared to the one you currently have:
Increase memory from 2GB to
Larger capacity HDD + Faster
Integrated Camera +
1GB Graphics card instead of
We have also upgraded your
warranty to 3 Years Pro Support Warranty.
If you are happy to proceed can
you confirm and we’ll process the order. Can you confirm the delivery details in
the quote as well.
Unfortunately we need to collect
the faulty system. Seeing the scorch mark’s etc, we need to capture this system
for safety reasons.
However, you can keep the
Hard-drive from this system.
EMEA 24x7 ProSupport Server Manager
Dell | Technical Support Services |
Northern EMEA & Enterprise Expert Centre
Office: +353 1 2792350 / Ext: 3422350
We just sent the Ricardo email to Gerard. He answered >>
From: Kelly, Gerard
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:31 AM
To: 'Jan Voich Designs'
Subject: RE: Oferta Dell n° 16071723 Cliente: ES2938586 - JAN VOICH AND ASSOCIATES SL
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2012 8:31 AM
To: 'Jan Voich Designs'
Subject: RE: Oferta Dell n° 16071723 Cliente: ES2938586 - JAN VOICH AND ASSOCIATES SL
The quote I sent you yesterday
is more up to date as it includes Pro-Support warranty.
Just let me know what you would
like me to do next for you and if you want the system swapped out we can process
the order.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:50 AM
Subject: RE: Oferta Dell n° 16071723 Cliente: ES2938586 - JAN VOICH
Hi Jan,
I have been off for the last few
days. Just dropping you an email to see if you made a decision regarding the
replacement laptop?
How would you like to proceed
from here?
As written earlier - we were extremely busy and beginning to feel somewhat harassed. Maybe you could call it a Dell Overdose.
We did look very quickly - at the "swap" proposal - it was for a 15" screen - we have and need a 17" screen.
We noted that Gerard also defied our statement - that we would not give them the original system as previously written. "However, you can keep the Hard-drive from this system" - was Gerard´s concession.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 7:50 PM
Subject: RE: Oferta Dell n° 16071723 Cliente: ES2938586 - JAN VOICH AND ASSOCIATES SL
Hi Jan,
I’m following up with you in regards the swap system we have offered you. I understand that you are busy and may not have got a chance to look at this yet. If you could let me know if you are free for a call to discuss this or if you need more time to review.
Gerard took the liberty of phoning the next day ( January 7th - and a holiday to boot ) - we told him >>
"we are not interested in "swapping".
We were EXTREMELY IRRITATED by his calling on a holiday without our agreeing - and basically said - we will accept an equivalent system - because this is DELL´S legal and moral obligation - however we need the old system to transfer all info and do not want to be pressured to do this.
"we are not interested in "swapping".
We were EXTREMELY IRRITATED by his calling on a holiday without our agreeing - and basically said - we will accept an equivalent system - because this is DELL´S legal and moral obligation - however we need the old system to transfer all info and do not want to be pressured to do this.
We are very busy and despite the holiday today - we have been working non-stop ( with a $3,000 computer that is unpredictable ). We have a 24/7 telephone info - sales and customer care - service toll free number for the US and Canada that does not stop."
There had been an emergency call from California the night before ( until 2:30 am this day ) and we were attending this problem - within all other priorities - when we received this INTRUSION from him ( "Gerard from Dell" ).
There had been an emergency call from California the night before ( until 2:30 am this day ) and we were attending this problem - within all other priorities - when we received this INTRUSION from him ( "Gerard from Dell" ).
Gerard kept asking about WHEN Dell could retrieve the old system.
Gerard tried to say something and we just reiterated the exact same things - and added that we now - would NOT GIVE them the original "faulty system. ... with scorch mark’s etc, we need to capture this system for safety reasons." - nor take down this blog.
We asked him to stop irritating us - and thought - if there is no promise to take down this blog - they will lose their need for urgency..
We asked him to stop irritating us - and thought - if there is no promise to take down this blog - they will lose their need for urgency..
At this point - we felt harassed - pressured and bullied. Not a nice feeling. Why did they insist on retrieving the old system so very much ? We believe it obvious that we are the victims of a Dell fraud - and Dell is not reacting properly - they want to call the shots.
This is how one becomes a billionaire - yet - seems to have created great animosity.
- First Dell sold us a faulty system
- Dell - knowing our problems were due to 1. - made us waste hours trying to fix the un-fixable
- Dell USA recommended extending our waranty to the maximum. Yep - more wasted time and money.
- Dell España sold us a warranty and did not activate it
- Dell España refused to give us the 12 months we purchased on the warranty
- Now Dell HQ tries to make good by "swapping the faulty system" with an inferior model ... not adjusting for 5 years of inflation - nor even asking us what we need ... and pressuring US !!
This is how one becomes a billionaire - yet - seems to have created great animosity.
Gerard answered that he would have to talk to his team. Good Goodness - just stop !!
Dell wanted
- the "faulty system" at all costs - and
- to have us remove this blog ...
in exchange for what they should have done five years ago - recall and replace the "faulty system that has security risks". From all read on the internet ( and linked to ) - we now know that Dell was aware of the system´s defects - and had made us waste an extremely valuable amount of time - lose sales - efficiency - and an endless amount of etcs.
On top of this - they were trying to slip us a much lesser model in to replace a superior model. We also manufacture some of our products in China and know that the costs for Dell are minimal.
Why do they need this old system anyway ? Why are they rushing us - we just cannot give more time to Dell because they believe they are entitled to demand this.
Go figure. No more harassment from Dell since January 7th phone call. We guess they "took their toys and left".
Questions for you:
- Are the people involved in this story stupid ?
- Do these same people think we are stupid ?
- All of the above ?
Obviously - we did not buy the "safety reasons" story - and it also appears evident that this was an attempt to "censor" this site.
Well - we can play solitaire on our $3,000 Dell Precision - not much more - just our integrity is in tact. We are thankful for the freedom of speech Internet offers. In the old days - well you just stewed.
How many others have agreed to take down negative ( scandalous ) information about Dell - their services and products ?
We admire the "Google Guys" - they care - are honest - truly aid the world and this makes them tops !!
We are now - very slowly ( due to a lack of time ) - studying the latest components and reviews. CPUs, graphic cards, monitors ( we need the best resolutions and colors ), speed and strength for multi-simultaneous uses, etc. etc. etcccccccccc - - all that we ( and most businesses ) do each time we update equipment.
Also the news about all of this:
Also the news about all of this:
"So many companies like Dell that are closely connected to the maturing PC market are facing big headwinds at the moment. Intel now also finds itself in a precarious situation longer term if it doesn't find new avenues for growth."
Well May 4th 2013 - we found that people are now making firearms with the great 3d printers.
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